Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Key Society Features of Iceland


  • Iceland has an interesting religious composition. Most Icelanders are member of the National Church of Iceland and other Lutheran based religions. Few are catholic, and there is a large amount of those who have no faith what so ever. Considering their low birthrates, it would be interesting to see exactly how much their religious background has affected this trend. 

  • Iceland has gender equality unlike any other. Men and women obtain education and careers at similar levels. Iceland has also gained equality in sexual orientation, legalizing gay marriage and providing equal marriage rights to homo and hetero sexual couples. 
  • The most notable achievement in this area is the election of their most recent prime minister, Johanna Sigurdardottir, who is not only their first female leader, but also the world's first openly gay leader.

  • It would be valuable to study what exactly created such liberal views in equality in Iceland. I would most likely attribute it to their religious make up, but perhaps there are other underlying factors that have led to such a level of equality. 

  • Iceland also has a very unique environment. Sometimes referred to as the "land of fire and ice", Iceland is composed of everything from glaciers and mountains to pastures to volcanoes and hot springs. 

  • Their natural hot springs are a huge tourism attraction. 

  • Iceland also benefits from a large pool of hydroelectric power. Dettifoss is Europe's largest waterfall in terms of volume. 

  • Also, Iceland better than most in terms of renewable resources. 

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